Road transportation in Russia and Europe
Multimodal transportation
Regular service from St. Petersburg to US ports
  • Road transportation in Russia and Europe
  • Forwarding
  • Freight
  • Multimodal transportation
  • Regular service from St. Petersburg to US ports
Promyshlennaya Ulitsa, 42, Sankt-Peterburg, 198099, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 346-73-33

WhatsApp: +7 (921) 346-73-33

The main activities of
the Company:
Forwarding and freight forwarding via ports of Russia
Freight operations, conventional and container transportations all over the world
Multimodal Door-to-Door deliveries
Customs clearance, including customs broker services
Logistics and consultation services
Surveyor services
Dry Container
Our clients are
Among our clients as well as small private enterprises, and the large international companies having representations in different regions of the world - trading, resource and manufacturing companies.
established in 2001

The staff of group of companies makes about 20 employees mainly with the high education and wide experience in the transport market, including in other transportation companies.

Representatives in Moscow and foreign countries work.